38210 Beaver Lodge Drive
Beaver Island, MI 49782


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Beaver Island Historical Timeline

Beaver Island as we know it first appeared out of the ice eleven thousand years ago. Since then, its form has changed considerably because of the rise and fall of Lake Michigan, which has ranged over a differential of 375′. The Lake dropped to a very low level about 8,000 years ago, and stayed down for 4,000 years. During this time, this land was not an island at all but an appendage of the mainland. Then the Lake rose to 30′ above its present level, submerging all of Beaver except the central plateau. Next, it dropped about ten feet, producing… Read More »

They Came Bearing Gifts and a Story

Mike Vail and his wife Melissa, abbreviated for M&M, came to Beaver Island to relive a piece of history that was put in motion almost 70 years ago.  As Mike shares: “My father, William Vail, -Billy they called him here on the island- and my grandparents, Harry and Annabelle Vail, lived on the island from 1953-1956 when my dad graduated with the class of 56. My grandfather was the island doctor and my grandmother was the nurse. As the story goes, the Island was between doctors, once again and his grandfather was interested in the offer, as he had very bad… Read More »

Yes, It Is That Good!

Hosting a restaurant operation is a brand-new experience for me. For decades I have patronized upscale restaurants in many of the world’s metropolises and food shacks in Caribbean and South American backwaters. All those years I never even once thought about the logistics involved in the dynamics of operating a restaurant floor, let alone the kitchen. In the past couple of months I have gained a new-found respect for the people that make a great dinner experience create a lasting experience for their guests. It’s pure algorithms at work. Between reservations and walk-ins, allocating wait staff with tables so that… Read More »

Five Beaver Island Self-Guided Tours

Five Beaver Island Self-Guided Tours in a handy booklet, that will take you to all the island’s fabulous outskirts, panoramas and landmarks. Since TJ and I arrived on the island, we got little time to familiarize ourselves with some of the “worth-seeing” landmarks and nature spots away from town. As a consequence, for the first eight weeks at the Lodge, we did not feel qualified to answer our guests’s questions regarding what they should do and see on the island. The advise to rent a bike or a car was obviously helpful, but not being able to warmly recommend certain… Read More »

The Beaver Island Lodge Fall Color Special

The Beaver Island Lodge Fall Color Special is created for guests looking for a great deal to come and enjoy Beaver Island’s spectacular fall color displays in October. When asked, many locals and regular visitors consider spring and fall their favorite time on the island. Rightly so as Beaver Island’s fall colors are spectacular and occur a tad later than on the northern Michigan mainland because of the temperature moderation brought about by Lake Michigan. Another reason to visit Beaver Island in October is that unique chance to witness some incredible night skies. The Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights can be… Read More »

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